Motivation Minute, courtesy of and

Today's quote was submitted by Matt

Simon Sinek said “When we focus on the competition, we become reactive. When we focus on improving ourselves, we become innovative.” I absolutely love that! So many times I see people watching their competitor more than themselves, then they wonder why the get off track! Focus on YOU and what you can do to be better! Here's another quote from Simon Sinek “Vision is the ability to talk about the future with such clarity, it is as if we are talking about the past.” This is something I absolutely enjoy. Hearing about your vision for a better future for your company or community! I love it when you paint with words!

Motivation Minute, courtesy of and

Today's quote was submitted by Matt

Simon Sinek said “To get the best advice, it’s better to talk to a few people personally than it is to talk to a lot of people digitally.” I love this, it's so true too! In a direct conversation you'll get their answer, but you also get much more by seeing how they say what they say! Have you ever talked to someone right after they saw a great movie. A really great movie! They light up when they're telling you about this amazing adventure they took for a few hours in a cozy theater seat! Their words paint a picture in your mind. Now imagine seeing them check a box online that says “good”. A completely different way to say the same thing!

Motivation Minute, courtesy of and

Today's quote was submitted by Matt

Simon Sinek said “When we try to please everyone, we end up pleasing no one…least of all, ourselves.” excellent quote, here's another “Greatness happens when the person with the wild imagination collaborates with the person who knows how to get things done.” I love that, OK one more “The goal is not to be perfect by the end. The goal is to be better today.” Excellent quotes, Matt sent me a bunch of Simon Sinek quotes, I'll make my way through them over the next few weeks. Today we learn that we can't please everyone, we're better off partnering with people and the goal is not perfection, just a better today! NICE!

Motivation Minute, courtesy of and

Today's story was submitted by Robert

Over two thousand years ago a Roman general wanted to prove to his soldiers that perseverance in combat was more important than strength. He had two horses brought before his men, one was a healthy stallion and the other was an old nag. He then ordered one of his strongest men to pull off the weak horse’s tail. When the soldier failed, the general ordered one of the weakest men in his command to pull the tail off of the stronger horse, but to do it one hair at a time. Soon the horse’s tail was gone. What a great lesson, first though, I fee sorry for the HORSE, but I think the message is to take on any big project a little at a time!

Motivation Minute, courtesy of and

Today's quote was submitted by Jason

Herman Munster, from the TV show “The Munsters” imparted this wisdom to his son Eddie in a 1965 episode. “The lesson I want you to learn is: It doesn’t matter what you look like. You can be tall or short or fat or thin, or ugly or handsome, like your father, or you can be black or yellow or white. It doesn’t matter. But what does matter is the size of your heart and the strength of your character.” Again, this was on very silly but fun TV show in 1965, but there's some amazing wisdom in these words! The strength of your character will shine through when you're online and when you're out in public, and that is what people see in you!