The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Kyle

Dalai Lama said "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck." I can relate to this for sure. There are times that I've really hoped for something that just didn't happen. I've even prayed for guidance. I was married very young and that marriage only lasted a few years. When it was coming to an end I was not sure what I was supposed to do. I had this plan of “making it work no matter what”... but that was MY plan... and it didn't work out. I look back now and I THANK GOD for every twist and turn in my life. That sometimes twisted and weary path has brought me to right here! I've been happily married for a quarter of a century and have two amazing kids. I'm very blessed!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Brandon

Michael Jordan said "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." What an excellent quote. Nobody would classify Michael Jordan as a loser... he is a winner in the minds of everyone. Even the people who like other teams. Even people who completely disliked his team. Whether they liked him or not, they would consider him a winner... even thought he missed shots and lost games. He was trying his tail off... and practiced over and over so he would make shots too... enough shots to put him on the very top in his sport!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Chad

Duke Ellington said "A problem is a chance for you to do your best." Amazing quote! Way back in 2002, I had a client call me to ask if we were still running a certain radio ad. I said “I don't think so, but I will find out.” I had recorded a new ad, but I had NOT swapped it out, so we were still running the old ad! Immediately I fixed the problem, then I schedule extra ads to make up for the ones that were wrong for about four days. After fixing the problem, I called to apologize. My client said, no apology needed, he went on to say that “wrong radio ad” generated a call from a new client that would be their LARGEST client. He also appreciated that I looked into it. Every other rep just said “nope, not us”

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Travis

Mae Jemison said "Never limit yourself because of others' limited imagination; never limit others because of your own limited imagination." Excellent quote. There is a scene from Ted Lasso that got my attention. I'm not a sports guy, so I never planned to watch a show about SOCCER! But the scene was him betting someone over a game of darts. The other guy took the bet, then Ted said “wait a minute... I'm not left handed” and then he went on to hit one amazing shot after another. His monologue reeled me in. It was about being CURIOUS. If they had been curious, they would have asked “have you played darts much Ted!” That scene made me curious enough to watch Ted Lasso... it was great... even for a show about sports!

The Motivation Minute, brought to you by

Today's quote was submitted by Grace

Winston S. Churchill said "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." What a great quote. Think about the beginning of that quote. SUCCESS is not final! Can you think of anyone who seemed to HAVE IT ALL... and then... because of an action of theirs... they lost it all?! I'm sure you can think of someone. If nobody is coming to mind, think about a celebrity who is in hot water right now. He's a musician who seemed to have everything going for himself. Then... all of the sudden... it seems like his empire is collapsing all around him. I'm going to steer clear of any further details, because I do believe in innocent until proven guilty... but the world does not!